Senator Rod Bray
Stay Connected with Rod’s Campaign

Born and raised in Morgan County, Rod Bray has the common sense Hoosier values important to us all. Those traditional values guide him in his role as our local State Senator and as leader of the Indiana State Senate, putting him in the strongest position to represent and deliver results for our communities and, in turn, for Indiana. As our State Senator and President Pro Tempore of the Indiana State Senate, Rod Bray has led the way in passing balanced budgets and cutting taxes, and he will always defend our traditional Hoosier values, back the blue, and support our veterans and Indiana agriculture.
A lifelong resident of Martinsville, Rod Bray is a local attorney and manages his family’s small cattle farm in northern Morgan County. He is a graduate of Indiana University and Valparaiso University School of Law. Rod Bray has always been involved in the community, teaching Sunday School and coaching his son’s baseball team. He and his wife Kelly have two teenage sons and attend Emmanuel Church in Greenwood.
Rod Bray is a strong, conservative leader who is leading the way to a better Indiana.
Supporting our Military & Law Enforcement
Rod Bray is extremely thankful to all those who have and continue to keep us and our families safe. He is ensuring our military and first responders have the support and resources needed to do their jobs and keep us safe while providing additional line-of-duty and service benefits to them and their families.
Stopping Illegal Immigration & Securing the Border
Rod Bray understands illegal immigration is a serious problem threatening our security, and the lack of leadership in D.C. has made this a critical issue. As your State Senator, he’s been focused on efforts from the state level to address this issue. Rod supported legislation that enacted a ban on sanctuary cities and campuses in Indiana. This year, he voted to give the Attorney General greater law enforcement authority to prevent liberal mayors from ignoring this law and supports sending our National Guard to the southern border to help control this crisis.

Protecting Hoosier Farms
Rod Bray is committed to preserving Indiana’s strong agricultural heritage. His family owns a small cattle farm in northern Morgan County, which he currently manages. Rod supports our farmers by providing property tax relief, ensuring farmland is assessed fairly for tax purposes, and working to keep foreign adversaries, such as China, from buying our farmland.
Cutting Taxes
Rod Bray believes in keeping taxes low. He helped deliver the largest tax cut in Indiana’s history, which has provided billions in tax relief by lowering utility taxes, providing property tax relief, and cutting income taxes, making Indiana’s income tax one of the lowest in the country. When the state collected too much tax revenue, Rod voted to give back over $500 million dollars in taxpayer refunds.
Building a Better Economy
Rod Bray is a small business owner who understands that low taxes and fewer regulations are key to growing our economy and creating jobs. As State Senator, he’s worked to make Indiana one of the best states in the country to start and grow a small business.
Standing Up for Hoosier Values
Rod Bray shares our conservative values and, as leader of the State Senate, is making sure these are protected and defended. Under his leadership, Indiana has become one of the most pro-life states and recently passed one of the strongest abortion bans in the country. Rod guaranteed Hoosiers’ 2nd Amendment rights by prioritizing and passing Constitutional Carry for law-abiding citizens.
Fighting for Families
As a father of school-age children, Rod Bray understands the important role of parents in their children’s education. He has been a leader in the State Senate, where he helped make Indiana’s school choice program one of the largest in the nation, and he fought to ensure parents have a voice at school board meetings and in what their children are taught in the classroom.

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